Saint Xavier University
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SXU News - Saint Xavier University News


Who's Who at SXU
Date:   01/27/2017

At Saint Xavier University we are more than just a higher educational institution, we are a community -- one that is compiled of multiple facets of knowledge and expertise. This year, we would like to share the faces of those behind the SXU brand through its "Who's who at SXU" campaign.

News Article Image
Date:   01/26/2017

This week’s nutrition tip is about starting a weight-loss plan.

Dion McGill
Date:   01/26/2017

Saint Xavier University (SXU) alumnus Dion McGill, '10, recently penned an open letter in the December 30 issue of Chicago Now.

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Date:   01/25/2017

Ash Wednesday, a day in which many Christian traditions mark the beginning of Lent with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (giving to the poor), as well as the outward sign of the cross in ashes on people's foreheads.
