SXU to Host Lenten Mission Series

This Lenten season, Saint Xavier University (SXU) will host a Lenten Mission Series on Tuesday evenings beginning March 11 through April 1. Each session will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. and will feature guest speaker Timothy Jonhston, M.A., MACD, pastoral associate at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Chicago. The series on the Eucharistic liturgy aims to break open the various elements of the Mass to identify how encounters with Christ strengthens faith, deepens life in Christ, and stirs the heart for mission. The sessions will be held in McDonough Chapel, located on the SXU campus at 3700 W. 103rd Street, Chicago, IL 60655.
"This series will delve into Mass as our central act of worship -- the structure of Mass and what it means and how to be active participants in the Mass, an important educational opportunity for Catholics," said Jenny DeVivo, OblSB, Ph.D., vice president for Mission and Heritage.
All are welcome at the Lenten Mission Series; the events are free of charge. Learn more about each week's topic below. For any questions, contact the Office for Mission and Heritage at 773-341-5734 or missionandheritageFREESXU.
On This Day: We Give Praise and Glory to God - Tuesday, March 11
Sunday after Sunday, the assembly of the baptized gathers to offer its praise and thanksgiving to God. The liturgical act is not one of recalling some distant and historical moment; it is a celebration of the one and eternal liturgy. In this presentation, participants are introduced to the Church's theology of Mass and will grow to understand how, as priest, prophet, and king, each member of the assembly celebrates the liturgy. The presentation will conclude with a brief overview of the Introductory Rites, those rites that gather us and make us into a liturgical/sacramental assembly, the Body of Christ.
Be Doers of the Word, and Not Merely Hearers - Tuesday, March 18
Realizing that the Word has been incarnate and that Word lives within us, we allow ourselves to be formed by the proclamation of the Word. In this session, participants will examine the various parts and characteristics of the Liturgy of the Word. As hearers of God's word, we are roused from our pews to be doers of the word. As hearers and doers, we learn to savor the richness of God's word so as to grow closer to the heart of the Incarnate Word.
I Have Earnestly Desired to Eat - Tuesday, March 25
In his Apostolic Letter, Desiderio desideravi, Pope Francis invites the faithful to contemplate and deepen their understanding of the Eucharistic mystery. The Holy Father reminds us that Jesus earnestly desires to share himself with us in consecrated bread and consecrated wine gathered around the Eucharistic table. In this session, participants will learn about the various parts and characteristics of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. As people nourished by his saving Body and Blood, we are strengthened in love and sent forth for the life of the world.
Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord - Tuesday, April 1
At his Ascension, Jesus told his disciples to go to the ends of the earth preaching the Gospel. Jesus says the same to us: we are to go to the ends of the earth sharing the Good News (Acts 1:8) because, like the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, the hearts of those in love with Christ burn with fervor to announce his saving and merciful love (Lk 24:32). In this session, participants will explore the Concluding Rites of the Mass and the Eucharistic vision to "joyfully bear fruit for the salvation of the world."