SXU's Graham School of Management Expands Business Offerings

Saint Xavier University (SXU) has bolstered its business offerings for fall 2024. With a completely revamped Master of Business Administration (MBA) program and the addition of four new concentrations to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program, SXU's strategic enhancement of its business offerings will help students' employment prospects and earning capacity.
"We are excited about offering our students a wider variety of concentrations and graduate program offerings that enhance their employment marketability," said Indranil Ghosh, Ph.D., director of the Graham School of Management (GSM).
In a commitment to offer relevant, high-quality programming, SXU conducted an environmental study of market MBA programs in the Chicago area and consulted with alumni and employers on the Business Advisory Board to create a more competitive, market-focused MBA program. The total number of credit hours for the program was reduced to 30 (from 39) with an adjustment in the cost per credit hour to be more competitive, and the curriculum was enhanced strategically and will continue to be elevated for innovation and relevance. Ghosh anticipates a steady increased number of admittances annually for the MBA program.
SXU has partnered with Rize Education to expand offerings for the BBA program, including new concentrations in supply chain management, human resources, health care administration and professional sales. These concentrations join five existing concentrations including accounting, digital marketing, finance, hospitality management, and management. With Rize, SXU has added evolving areas of study to the business curriculum through specialized courses developed by subject matter experts. Two additional undergraduate computer science concentrations were also added: game development and web design.
GSM faculty and staff undertook a rigorous process in its plan to innovate and offer courses, majors, and degrees that better reflect students' educational and career interests and help students build a strong foundation that sets them apart in the business industry. Ghosh expects to see enrollment in the business programs continue to grow at a strong pace.
To learn more about SXU's undergraduate and graduate business programs, visit the Graham School of Management webpage.