SXU Launches Champ's Career Closet

Saint Xavier University (SXU) will host a soft launch of Champ's Career Closet, a free resource that provides professional and business-casual clothing for Saint Xavier University students embarking on internships, jobs and professional interviews. The opening will be held Monday, April 24, from noon to 4 p.m. in the Warde Academic Center (WAC), Room G-306.
Champ's Closet was partially born out of commitment to a seven-year plan to create a more peaceful and sustainable world in accord with Laudato Si', an encyclical by Pope Francis which draws attention to the Catholic Church's concern for the environment. There are seven goals of the Laudato Si' Action Plan, one of them being a "response to the cry of the poor." Through attentiveness to the understanding that basic goods are not available to all, the closet was created with a goal to support students on their career journeys by providing them with professional clothing free of charge.
Beginning Tuesday, April 25, students can make appointments to select an outfit by contacting the Center for SUCCESS at 773-298-3131 or centerforsuccessFREESXU.
"We are looking forward to opening the closet to students and increasing awareness for faculty and staff so they can recommend it to students and donate as well," said Angela Pirlott, Ph.D., who serves on the committee that planned and launched the closet.
Donations of new and gently used professional clothing are currently being accepted in WAC A-209. Items accepted include button-down shirts and blouses, dress slacks, blazers, suits, belts, ties, dress shoes, purses, handbags and briefcases. Champ’s Closet will also accept closet equipment, like hangers and garment racks. For a full list of items and to donate online, please visit the Amazon Wish List.
For questions, please email centerforsuccessFREESXU.