SXU Makes Big New Year's Resolutions

Saint Xavier University (SXU) faculty, staff and students are making some admirable, ambitious goals and resolutions for the 2020 year. Dedicated to bettering themselves now and in the future, the community is magnifying their focus on the University's core values. With a spotlight on Respect, Excellence, Compassion, Service, Hospitality, Integrity, Diversity and Learning for Life, the community seeks to live the core values more deeply in 2020.
"Learning for Life has always been important to me. This year, I would like to read more books and take online courses to obtain more certifications and continue to expand my skills. I would also like to provide my students with certifications that will help them in their future careers," said Cindy Diaz, Manager of Digital Strategy for University Relations and adjunct faculty.
"My New Year's resolution aligns with our core value of Learning for Life, as it is to pursue my Ph.D. in instructional technology from Indiana University," said Molly Caldera, Graphic Instructional Designer and LMS Administrator for CIDAT.
"My resolution aligns with the core value of Service. I intend to participate in more of the volunteer opportunities that SXU offers. I will be participating in the Spring Break Service Trip and intend to volunteer more often with Service Club and Pals for Change. I believe helping others will allow me to gain a better sense of gratitude," said Catherine Finn, a marketing and management major, vice president of Graham School of Management (GSM) Student Advisory Council and treasurer of the Women Entering Business Organization.
"This year, my resolution is to promote Service Excellence to a broader SXU audience through workshops and personal experiences," said Rola Othman, director of Client Services for Information Technology and adjunct faculty.
"My New Year's resolution is to welcome new friendships and conversations in the spirit of Hospitality," said Gabrielle Agustin, a computer science major. "I also want to motivate my peers to prepare career goals and plans after graduation to continue the spirit of Excellence alumni have inspired in me, and I'd like to learn more about nutrition and exercise, because Learning for Life always encourages me to improve myself."
"I've always been a big proponent of Learning for Life, and I've participated in a lot of continuing education in 2019, so for 2020, I'd like to strive for Excellence both in my classes and in the articles, press releases and web content I prepare," said Breeanna Villalpando, Media Relations Specialist for University Relations and adjunct faculty. "I would also like to dedicate more of my time to Service and Compassion. I've started to work more closely with a local food pantry and shelter, and I'd also like to spend more time donating to and being involved with medical and mental health research."
"My New Year's resolution for 2020 is to continue taking courses for the Master of Data Science (MDS) degree I am pursuing," said Regina McNally, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the Division of Management and Marketing. "Learning for Life is important to me; it's important for all of us to update our knowledge and competences to stay current with industry changes. One of the biggest influences these days is the explosion of information and potential for insight and innovation opportunities through the analysis of big data. I'm working on the MDS degree to improve my data analytics ability and hopefully teach some of our GSM Data Analytics courses."
"I'd like to become a Board of Directors member for a company or corporation and then incorporate real world business strategies from a corporate boardroom into GSM courses. Striving for Excellence, I will be able to help our students gain the knowledge and preparation to live with Integrity and provide ethical leadership within the business arena," said Suzanne Cromlish, Ph.D., GSM faculty.
"In 2020, I will be an advocate for Respect of life, the beautiful stages of life from conception through old age," said Jean Gainer, director of Alumni Relations.
"Learning for Life is important to me and I hope I learn something new every day, especially as I pursue my degree at SXU," said Carly Turcich, a business management major and member of the GSM Student Advisory Club. "I would like to aim for Excellence to meet deadlines quicker than I did in 2019 and I'd like to get myself into more clubs or activities for Diversity."
SXU is proud of how its faculty, staff and students embrace and live the University's core values and mission daily. As you think about your own New Year's resolutions, we encourage you to consistently strive for the best. From our SXU family to yours, we wish you a happy New Year!