SXU Film Series 2016-2017
This year's Saint Xavier University (SXU) Film Series will feature films that are all related to actual historical events. Each film is linked to national events like the Presidential election and Hispanic Heritage, Black History and Women's History awareness months.
All screenings are free admission and begin at 7:00 p.m. in McGuire Hall.
The series includes:
- No! (Larrain, 2012) – Tuesday, November 8: No! recounts the story of the advertising campaign that helped defeat General Agustin Pinochet's notorious dictatorship in Chile in a referendum 1988. Mexican leading man Gael Garcia Bernal plays Rene, the creative director who led the campaign that ousted a dictator in this real life story.No! was awarded first place in the Director's Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival, and was nominated for an Academy Award in Hollywood.
- The Birth of a Nation (Parker, 2016)– Tuesday, Feb. 21:The Birth of a Nation is loosely based on the story of Nat Turner, a literate enslaved man who led a slave rebellion that terrorized white slave owners in Virginia in 1831. It takes its title from D.W Griffith's infamous film epic, that glorified the Ku Klux Klan and perpetrated negative racist stereotypes of African Americans.
For more information about the film series, please contact Alison Fraunhar at 773-298-3083 or fraunharFREESXU.