Mercy Word of the Week
The Mercy Word of the Week
As we progress through the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, University Ministry offers our community a "Mercy Word of the Week" to help us focus on the themes of mercy that are already so closely aligned to our mission and heritage as an institution sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy.
The first Monday of each month will bring a brief reflection on each of the University's Core Values as expressions of our Mercy charism. We hope these focused thoughts will lead to your own considered contemplation on mercy and its role in your life.
Comfort: is defined as "to ease or alleviate a person's feelings of grief or distress." Isn't that what we all strive for in our daily lives? Isn't that what we ask of God? As people of faith, we try to ease the pain of others through works of charity – feeding the poor, clothing the naked, giving shelter to the homeless. As God's people, we are expected to actually live the gospel we hear each Sunday; yet, for many this seems like a daunting task. What we fail to realize is that giving comfort can be achieved with simple gestures: a smile for a stranger, a meal for a sick neighbor, a compliment to a stressed coworker. The Lord doesn't expect us to move mountains; but, it is the many little things we do each day that bring comfort to all those around us!
Mary Rita Insley
University Mission and Ministry