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Paige Woolfolk

Title:Adjunct Faculty
Office:Warde Academic Center
Department:Soc. Anth and Criminal Justice


Paige Woolfolk earned her master's degree in anthropology from Indiana University Bloomington and is currently pursuing her doctorate in anthropology with a specialization in biological anthropology. She was an adjunct instructor of anthropology at Saint Xavier University from 2018-2023 prior to becoming an assistant professorial lecturer.

Woolfolk's research focuses on diet and disease in Colonial Guatemala. She has co-directed an archaeological project at the Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo in Antigua, Guatemala, as part of her dissertation research. She is especially interested in the influence of colonialism on health and how it structured dietary choices. Woolfolk also uses ancient DNA as a tool to look at ancestry and relatedness in the past.


M.A. in Anthropology

Indiana University Bloomington

B.S. in Anthropology; B.A. in History

Michigan State University

Areas of Specialization

  • Dietary isotopes
  • Paleopathology
  • Ancient DNA
  • Bioarchaeology in Latin America

Courses Taught

  • ANTH 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH 105: Introduction to Archaeology
  • ANTH 120: Biological Anthropology
  • ANTH 250: Modern Latin America
  • ANTH 251: Native American Cultures
  • ANTH 285: Forensics

Selected Honors/Awards

Mellon Graduate Dissertation Fellowship



Woolfolk, P.V.W., Cifuentes Argüello, R.Y., and Cook, D.C. (In Press) "Blighted Childhood in Colonial La Antigua Guatemala." In Mesoamerican Osteobiographies: Revealing the Lives and Deaths of Ancient Individuals, edited by Gabriel Wrobel and Andrea Cucina. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Wojcik, P. and Cifuentes Argüello, R.Y. (2018) Proyecto Arqueológico La Dieta, Salud y la Ascendencia en La Antigua Guatemala durante el Período Colonial, 1524-1773 Informe de Resultados de la Investigación en Modalidad de Gabinete Temporada 1, Año 2017. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes de Guatemala, Guatemala City.


Woolfolk, P.W. and Cifuentes Argüello, R.Y. (2022, April) "Contextualizing Commingled Remains from the ex-Convento de Santo Domingo, La Antigua Guatemala." Poster Presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Woolfolk, P.W. and Cifuentes Argüello, R.Y. (2019, March) "A differential diagnosis of Fournier's molars in an individual from Santo Domingo Church (1541- 1773), Guatemala." Poster Presented at the Paleopathology Association. Cleveland, OH.

Wojcik, P. (2018, April) "The Perfect Match(es): Testing Osteometric Pair-Matching Methods for Commingled Remains on Distinct Burials." Paper presented at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX.

Wojcik, P. (2014, March) "Diet and Linear Enamel Hypoplasias in Chau Hiix, Belize: Comparing Enamel Defects to Isotopic Evidence of Diet." Paper presented at the Indiana Academy of Science Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.