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Saint Xavier University Chicago Campus Residence Halls

Academic Misconduct

Students are expected to conduct themselves in compliance with the Code of Student Conduct. Because "determination of whether a student is being disruptive in class is left to the sole discretion of the faculty member leading the class" (Student Handbook), faculty have the right to dismiss a disruptive student from a particular class meeting without prior notification. In cases of repeated disruptive behavior on the part of the same student, a faculty member may recommend to the program director, division director or school dean, in writing, that the student be removed from the course for the remainder of the current semester. The division director, program director or college dean will attempt to mediate the situation between the student and faculty member.

In the College of Liberal Arts and Education, if the program director or division director agrees with the faculty member's recommendation that the student be removed from the course, he or she will notify the dean of the college. The dean will attempt to mediate the situation between the student and faculty member within a reasonable period. In all colleges, if the dean affirms the recommendation to remove the student from the course, the dean should forward the recommendation and a summary of the reasons to the provost. The provost should attempt to resolve the matter through discussion with the concerned persons. The provost will notify the student by traceable mail either of his/her removal from the class, and the reasons, or the conditions under which he/she may remain in class. Should the determination be removal from class, the provost will notify the director of records and registration services, director of financial aid, dean of students and the student's academic advisor.

The student may appeal this decision in the following manner:

  1. The student may submit a written grievance to the provost within five days.
  2. The provost then constitutes a Student Academic Grievance Committee (SAGC). The SAGC is composed of three members: two faculty members and a student. One faculty member will be serving on and selected by the academic policies committee, another will be appointed by the provost and the student will be selected by the dean of students, from among the members of the Student Government Association. The academic policies committee representative will serve as chair of this committee.
  3. The provost then forwards the grievance, and the SAGC must notify the faculty member and the student and hold a hearing. The SAGC must submit its written recommendations to the provost within 15 working days after its formation.
  4. Within five days after the provost has received the decision of the committee, the provost must announce the decision to the student and faculty member.