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Graphic Design Suggested Four-Year Academic Plan

120 credit hours are required for B.A. in Graphic Design. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress, following consultation with their academic advisor.

Suggested four-year academic plan (courses required in the major are in bold).

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
GE TS 100: Transitions 1
ART 124: Portfolio Seminar (Design Elective) 3
ART 101: Drawing I 3
ART 116: Computer Graphics (Digital Literacy) 3
GE English 101: COmposition 1 3
GE Math: Geometry  3
Semester 2 Credit Hours
Art 119: Digital Imagery 3
Art History (100 level) ART 111, ART 153, or ART 155 3
GE PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
GE ENG 102 : Composition 2 3
GE COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
ART 120: Graphic Design I 3
ART 113: Digital Photography (Graphic Design Elective) 3
Social Science Diversity Studies 3
GE Humanities: Music or Literature (MUS 133 Music Production) 3
GE Physical Science with lab* 3
Semester 4 Credit Hours
ART 201: Drawing II 3
ART 211: Typography 3
Graphic Design Elective 3
GE World History (Global Studies) 3
GE Humanities: Music or Literature (MUS 133 Music Production) 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
ART 202: 3D Design 3
ART 220: Graphic Design 2 (Graphic Design Elective) 3
GE History or Social Science 3
GE Natural Scinece 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
ART 223: Modern/Contemporary Art 3
GE RELST 202 Theological Foundations 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
ART 305: Senior Seminar 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
ART 306: Senior Seminar 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3
Elective or Course for a Minor 3


*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component

Select four of the following Graphic Design Electives: ART 113, 220, 228, 241, 315, 317, 322, 327, and 365.

Graphic Design Minor: Students must complete 18 credit hours in art including: ART 116, ART 119, ART 120, and ART 211 (in that suggested sequence) and two classes from ART 113, ART 220, ART 315, and ART 322.