Equivalencies of the Credit Hour
Saint Xavier University follows the definition of a credit hour as published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 34, Part 600.2. Saint Xavier University's established equivalencies to the Federal definition of the credit hour are below. These standards apply to both undergraduate and graduate courses.
- For each semester hour of credit, courses that meet in a face-to-face format must include one 50-minute period with the instructor and two hours of outside of class work for 15 weeks.
- One hour of credit may be awarded for laboratory and discussion sections that meet a minimum of 50 minutes per week and a maximum of 150 minutes per week.
- Courses with an instructional method that is not face-to-face (for example, hybrid
or online courses) meet the credit hour standard if they meet one of the following
criteria: 1) the course covers the same material in the same depth as a face-to-face
version of the same course; or 2) the course has been evaluated by the department
and college for content and rigor, and the department and college have approved the
semester hour credit to be awarded.
- Any course offered in a shortened term must be equivalent in both contact and outside work totals as a semester-length course.
1 credit hour = 50 minutes contact + 120 minutes outside work over 15 weeks for a
total of 2,550 minutes of student effort.
1 credit hour = 1 to 3 lab and discussion sessions ranging from a total of 50 to 150 minutes.