Helpful Hints for Submitting Proposals
Submission Instructions
1. Download the IRB Application Form. Save the form to your computer using your last name to identify the document.
2. Fill out all spaces on form using your word processor.
3. Attach to the application informed consent information and data collection instruments, as indicated on the form. Please do not send these as separate documents; they must be attached directly to the application form as one continuous PDF file. To accomplish this, please perform the following tasks:
- Place your cursor below the signature box on the final page of the application form. Go to Insert > Break, and select Page Break.
- With your cursor on the new page, go to Insert > File and select the file name of the form, letter, or instrument you would like to append.
- Repeat these steps as necessary until all required forms, letters, and instruments have been appended. Please do not insert any cover or divider pages. SAVE the File as a PDF file.
4. Name your document as follows: last name of P.I._term_year. [Sample: Smith_summer_08]. Email the entire electronic PDF document to irbFREESXU.
5. Please print out the signature box page and sign at the places indicated.
6. If applicable, please print out the "Administrator's Consent" for research done in schools or other institutions. This must be signed by the appropriate official.
Note: Electronic documents will be reviewed by the IRB; however, an approval number cannot be issued until signature pages are received.
Hints and Reminders
- Include email addresses and telephone numbers of all investigators and faculty sponsor (if applicable)
- Provide an email address that you regularly check for messages
- Assure that faculty sponsor and all investigators sign the form including students initiating research
- Assure number of participants coincides with number of participants outlined in protocol
- Anticipated dates of study should include month/day/year If researching vulnerable populations, be sure to report both that and how such participants' rights' and well-being will be safeguarded.
Research Protocol
- Include descriptions of methods of assuring confidentiality/anonymity, and include a security of data statement (examples of secure data include storage on a password protected computer, data and any keys related to personal identifiers are kept in separate locked cabinets, etc.)
- If audiotapes, videotapes, and written surveys will be used, state what the disposition of these will be after the research has been completed
- Provide inclusion and exclusion criteria for participant selection
Consent forms and letters
- A Child's Assent form must be included for minor participants ages 12 through 17. This form is in addition to the parental consent. The Child's Assent form should be on a separate page from the parental consent form. A letter to the children explaining the study, written at the appropriate language level, must be included.
- If adults are research subjects (i.e. they will be completing surveys, for example), this must be indicated. A cover letter explaining the research and a consent form for the adult participant must be included.
- Each investigator who is a teacher/researcher must submit a "letter to parents" that explains the research and asks for their consent for the child's participation. The teacher's phone number must be included (with area code) to allow parents to contact the teacher/researcher.
- Dates of study should specify month/day/year